A Warm Welcoming to the Shadow Compendium
~ Welcome to The Shadow Compendium , we are a group of friends whom wish to share our ideals, ideas, and talk about stuff in the games Pirate101 and Wizard101. As we explore the Shadows we’ll share it with you on this Blog. Each of us will have our own unique topics to talk about. But sometimes we’ll do collaborations about various topics important to us. Now, kindly click the “Read More” at the bottom of this box to allow you to read the rest of this post. ~
~ Umbra’s Extended Post Note ~
~ ‘Allo readers of young and old. Upon clicking the “Read More” icon you were transfered here to another page so that you could view one of our Extend Posts. So read on and I hope you enjoy what you read! ~
~ Meeting our Members ~
~ This topic will be the second part of our Post which will introduce the three amazing editors on this blog. To start we shall introduce you to the "Site Leader": Umbra. Then there's Cass, the "Second Site Leader". And next we have Courtney Olivia, our "Reporter", and finally there's our "Photographer" and "Video Recorder", David Darkshade. ~
~ Umbra ~
~ Hello, I'm Umbra ShadowHunter, but you can call my Liam if you please. I tend to be formal and serious sometimes. I love to sketch, take screenshots of lots of things in Wizard101 and Pirate101, I also occasionally attempt to write. This is my first real attempt to get a blog like this up and running. And so I hope that I can lead this blog to success and I hope you enjoy our posts. But anyways, back to me.
~ Cass ~
~ Hello, I'm Umbra ShadowHunter, but you can call my Liam if you please. I tend to be formal and serious sometimes. I love to sketch, take screenshots of lots of things in Wizard101 and Pirate101, I also occasionally attempt to write. This is my first real attempt to get a blog like this up and running. And so I hope that I can lead this blog to success and I hope you enjoy our posts. But anyways, back to me.
I have a total of 7 Wizards and 6 Pirates. They are: Hunter BlueRider ((Exalted Theurgist)), Liam OwlEyes ((Magus Diviner)), Artur MythGlade ((Grandmaster Conjurer)), Valkoor NightShade ((Journeyman Necromancer)), Zachary WinterFlame ((Aprentice Pyromancer)), Nichholas SeaBreeze ((Initiate Diviner)), Galen MoonWraith ((Adept Thaumaturge)), Humble Liam Holystone ((Privateer)), Merciful Elijah Davenport ((Musketeer)), Leo Young ((Swashbuckler)), Harry Nightingale ((Swashbuckler)), Cunning Angel Innsbrook ((Buccaeer)), and Kai Eastwick ((Witchdoctor)). And with these young pirates and wizards of mine I hope to brave the Spiral, searching far and wide creating theories, attempting to solve theories, discussing things I'd like to see and what I don't like in Wizard101 as well as Pirate101. And occasionally I'll attempt to write some stories and take and post screenshots.
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter then my username is @Umbra9649 and my Google page is Umbra ShadowHunter ~
If you'd like to follow me on Twitter then my username is @Umbra9649 and my Google page is Umbra ShadowHunter ~

~ Cass ~
~ I
am the most handsome out of the four of us (even though they won’t
admit it) and I love Kingsisle games because it gives me a sense of freedom
and meeting people who have stuff in common like me and friending them.
What I do in my spare time is to just chat on Twitter with people and
many other things that would basically make this blog post one million
words long just for my part. In the past I have run two blogs, started a Fan-Fiction, and becoming a blogger (and now admin) on Pirates Unite. You can find me on Twitter @CassLifeblossom and on Google at Cass Lifeblossom.
I will write about any theories on this blog that come to mind as I am a
“Spiral Navigator.” I got a level 100 theurgist and a level 65
swashbuckler that I decorate houses on and do other random stuff on.
Hope to catch you in game sometime. Also I like pineapples, mangoes,
foxes, coconuts, anything nature really. ~
~ David ~
~ Hello! My name is David Darkshade. I’ve been wizard since 2009. A good friend of mine introduced me to Wizard101, and I’ve loved it ever since! I met so many wonderful people through this game and made so many friends, so I’ve had a good experience with Kingsisle. My primary wizard is a Conjurer named David Darkshade. I make videos on my Youtube channel. As well, I love to take pictures of stuff around the Spiral, enjoy soloing things, and I like farming/questing with friends. Most of my posts will consist of: glitches, mysteries, theories, guides, etc. I hope to see you around the Spiral! My Twitter is David Darkshade and my Google plus page can be found here. ~
~ Courtney ~
~ Hello Everyone! The name is Courtney or Olivia. I'm known as Olivia StormCloud on Youtube and Twitter. I have been making Wizard101, Pirate101, and Random Videos since 2009 and have been enjoying it every step of the way.
I enjoy browsing Youtube, playing other online games like Howrse and Neopets, reading, tweeting, hanging out with my friends, and playing with animals.
There are many reasons why I enjoy Kingsisle's games. I really love that they helped me become who I am today. I learned how to not be so afraid when I approach someone and talk to them. I was born with a disorder called Aspergers Syndrome which is on the Autism Spectrum. It basically limits my social aspect of life. I have a hard time talking to people in the real world and by talking to people via the games, it gave me the confidence to talk to people in the real world as well. I also love the aspect of the non-violence in the game and how it gets more difficult as you level. The pets were and are my favorite in both games as I hoard them and mounts. I have quite the collection brewing in my many houses.
My Twitter is LivvyLevyLover and I guess this is my Google page. You can also search my Youtube, Olivia StormCloud and MsCourtneyOlivia, for all of my video work.
Umbra has given me the task to write about all of the new additions to the game and big updates. For example, new worlds, new concept art, etc. I'm hoping I can keep up on all of the upcoming updates and will try my best. :)
I have 6 Wizards and 6 Pirates. However, my main Wizard is Olivia StormCloud. She is an Exalted Storm, level 100. She was the second Wizard I ever created. My first was Olivia SpiritWhisperer who is a Death. For some reason I went with Storm as being my main school and Wizard.
My main Pirate is Witty Olivia who is a level 65 Witchdoctor. She was the first Pirate I ever created and my only Pirate that I maxed out. I don't do much on her as there isn't much to do in Pirates yet but I still love to run around and do random quests.
I'm excited to finally be able to contribute to a blog and hope that this will be the best blog everrrr! :)
Thanks Umbra! ~
~ Questions, Comments, Concerns ~
As our final installment for this post. We’d like you, the readers to
ask any questions that focus upon us or this blog. To do that, just
simple post a question in the Comments area and when we can we’ll read
it and if it’s appropriate approve it to be shown publicly on this blog
and then we’ll answer it. Thank you. ~
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